How adventure tourism businesses can prepare for the busy summer season

As the weather warms up around Australia, adventure tourism companies are starting to prepare for their busiest time of year. On top of Summer — which naturally pumps up adventure enthusiasts, pro and novice alike — Christmas is almost here. That means experiential gifts, like skydiving, are on the cards. So, how can you prepare? 

1. Ensure everything is ready 

It sounds obvious, but you make sure any licenses, permits, and qualifications are up-to-date. You’ll also need to check that all equipment and safety gear is in good, operable condition. Get rid of anything damaged, and upgrade your stuff where necessary.  

2. Get organised  

Streamline your business with an online booking system, if you can. This makes it easy to keep track of appointments and their attendees, and make it easy to plan what staff you need accordingly. 

3. Boost your marketing 

There’s a lot of competition out there — how do you stand out against competitors? Whether you do this in-house or hire a professional marketing agency, showcasing the best of your business to potential customers is a great idea (especially if your competitors are already doing it!). Depending on your budget, your marketing initiatives might include a brand refresh, website overhaul, email marketing, radio ads, and so on. 

With travel bans still in place thanks to COVID, locals will be turning to local experiences. This presents an opportunity to market to a new audience — an audience may have previously been uninterested.

4. Streamline the way you offer tourism videos 

Your customer’s tourism journey shouldn’t end just because their session with you has — keep the experience going for them with stunning action-packed videos and photos. This can be pretty time consuming, so streamlining the process will free up your time, so you can focus on other parts of the business. The automated all-in-one platform, Swoopware, does everything for you — even the marketing and selling. 

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